Võdik WESTIN Twinteez Pelagic V-Tail R'N'R 21cm 70g Hot Olive 1tk
12,99 €
Legendaarsel TwinTeezil põhinev TwinTeez Pelagic toob pelaagilisele vertikaalpüügile uue mõõtme. Pilkupüüdev kujundus ja lehvivad uimed loovad realistliku silueti, millele suured kiskjad ei suuda vastu seista. Pisikesed liigutused panevad uimed ahvatlevalt liikuma, täpselt nagu tõeline söödakala. Tänu alaselja kahele liigendatud segmendile ja suurele V-kujulisele sabale loob isegi väikseim tõmblus hüpnotiseeriva tegevuse. Püüa TwinTeez Pelagic õrnade raputuste ja tõmmetega. Keerulistel ja tugeva survega kohtadel, kus lanti vaevu liigutab, võib olla ettevaatlik kala püüdmise saladus. Valige TwinTeez Pelagic, kui teie sihtmärgiks on röövloomad. Meie ShadTeez ScrewIn peaga koos meie ShadTeez ScrewIn peaga koos meie eritellimusel valmistatud kolmiku konksuga nõelaga, mis on kõige realistlikum esitusviis, on kohe pakendist väljapüügiks valmis. Sellest piisab. Õudsete kalade jaoks soovitame kasutada täiendavat nõela.
Toksiliste ftalaatide vaba
Suured realistlikud silmad
Superrealistlikud uimed
Optimeeritud paindlikkus parema ühendussuhte saavutamiseks
ShadTeez ScrewIn peaga kinnitatud ja kalapüügiks valmis
Eritellimusel valmistatud stinger kolmikkonksuga
Based upon the legendary TwinTeez, the TwinTeez Pelagic brings a new dimension to pelagic vertical fishing. The big seductive outline and fluttering fins create a realistic silhouette that big predators cannot resist. Tiny movements set the fins moving enticingly, just like a real bait fish. Thanks to the two jointed segments in the lower back and the large V-tail even the smallest twitch creates a mesmerising action. Fish the TwinTeez Pelagic with gentle shakes and twitches. On difficult, highly pressured, venues barely moving the lure can be the secret to catching wary fish. Choose the TwinTeez Pelagic when specimen predators are your target. Rigged and Ready to fish straight out from the package with our ShadTeez ScrewIn Head combined with our custom-made stinger with a treble hook for the most realistic presentation this will be more then enough. For spooky fish we recommend using an additional stinger.
Free from toxic phthalates
Big realistic eyes
Super realistic fins
Optimised flexibility for improved hook-up ratio
ShadTeez ScrewIn Head Rigged and Ready to fish
Custom-made stinger with treble hook
Toksiliste ftalaatide vaba
Suured realistlikud silmad
Superrealistlikud uimed
Optimeeritud paindlikkus parema ühendussuhte saavutamiseks
ShadTeez ScrewIn peaga kinnitatud ja kalapüügiks valmis
Eritellimusel valmistatud stinger kolmikkonksuga
Based upon the legendary TwinTeez, the TwinTeez Pelagic brings a new dimension to pelagic vertical fishing. The big seductive outline and fluttering fins create a realistic silhouette that big predators cannot resist. Tiny movements set the fins moving enticingly, just like a real bait fish. Thanks to the two jointed segments in the lower back and the large V-tail even the smallest twitch creates a mesmerising action. Fish the TwinTeez Pelagic with gentle shakes and twitches. On difficult, highly pressured, venues barely moving the lure can be the secret to catching wary fish. Choose the TwinTeez Pelagic when specimen predators are your target. Rigged and Ready to fish straight out from the package with our ShadTeez ScrewIn Head combined with our custom-made stinger with a treble hook for the most realistic presentation this will be more then enough. For spooky fish we recommend using an additional stinger.
Free from toxic phthalates
Big realistic eyes
Super realistic fins
Optimised flexibility for improved hook-up ratio
ShadTeez ScrewIn Head Rigged and Ready to fish
Custom-made stinger with treble hook
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