Kaugtuli Lazer Triple-R 1000 valge 9420LM
EAN: 5060404994225
Kaubamärk: Lazer
Ühik: tk
Laoseis kaupluses: Kauplusest otsas, juhul kui saab lisada ostukorvi tellitakse tarnija laost
Tarneaeg: Tarnija laost 1-7 tööpäeva
ECE R112
E9 markeering
R markeering (täistuli)
Alumiinium korpus
Polükarbonaat klaas mis on kaetud spetsiaalse lakiga
IP67 tolmu- ja veekindlus
Pinge 9-32V
Kaal 1,7 kg
Valgustugevus 9240 LM (E-Mark = 1848 LM)
Võimsus 88w (E-Mark = 17,6w)
REF 12,5
DRL – lisaks LED päevasõidutulede funktsioon, valge või kollaka valgusega
Tõhus ja vastupidav valgustus igas olukorras
Lazer Triple-R 1000 on tipptasemel LED-lamp, mis on loodud pakkuma erakordset valgustust isegi kõige keerulisemates tingimustes. Selle valge viimistlus annab stiilse ja modernse välimuse, sobides suurepäraselt nii igapäevaseks kasutamiseks kui ka professionaalseteks vajadusteks.
Peamised omadused:
- Valgusvoog: Triple-R 1000 pakub kuni 9240 luumenit valgust, tagades suurepärase nähtavuse nii lühikesel kui ka pikal distantsil.
- Valguskiire ulatus: 1 lux valguskiir ulatub 515 meetrini, mis teeb selle ideaalseks nii maanteel kui ka metsaradadel sõitmiseks.
- LED-tehnoloogia: Kvaliteetsed LED-moodulid tagavad ühtlase ja selge valguse, vähendades silmade väsimist pikema kasutuse korral.
- Elektrooniline termohaldus: Optimaalne soojuse jaotamine pikendab lambi tööiga ja tagab püsiva jõudluse.
- Veekindlus: IP67 ja IP69K kaitseklass teeb lambi täielikult veekindlaks ja tolmukindlaks. Võite kindel olla, et see töötab laitmatult ka kõige karmimates ilmastikuoludes.
- Vastupidav konstruktsioon: Täismetallist korpus ja tugev polükarbonaatklaas kaitsevad lampi löökide ja vibratsioonide eest.
- Mitmekülgsus: Sobib ideaalselt autodele, maasturitele, ATV-dele ja ka kommerts- ning tööstussõidukitele.
Tehnilised andmed:
- Valgusvoog: 9420 lm
- Võimsus: 84 W
- Toitepinge: 9–32 V
- Värvustemperatuur: 5000 K (päevavalgusele sarnanev toon)
- Mõõdud: 355 x 103 x 73 mm
- Kaal: 1,8 kg
- Garantii: 5 aastat
Paigaldus ja kasutus
Triple-R 1000 paigaldamine on lihtne ja kaasasolevad kinnitusdetailid tagavad kindla ühenduse. Sobib ideaalselt nii üksikult kasutamiseks kui ka kombineerimiseks teiste Lazer lampidega suurema valgustusvõimsuse saavutamiseks.
Lazer Triple-R 1000 on kvaliteetne ja usaldusväärne valgustusseade, mis sobib nii hobisõitjale kui ka professionaalile. Selle muljetavaldav valgusvõimsus, vastupidavus ja stiilne disain muudavad selle ideaalseks valikuks, kui vajate parimat võimalikku valgustust.
Highly efficient 11W LED technology
5000K LED colour temperature and 80CRI maximises sharpness and definition
Integrated white and amber position light function
Ultra-reflective vacuum-metallised optics deliver spot beam pattern
UNECE Reg 112 Class B Driving Light, approved for on-road high beam (E-Boost technology) and Reg 7 position/side light function (white only)
Contemporary lamp design – Black or White colour options
Includes versatile ‘Centre Mount’ mounting system plus integral features to enable side mounting (brackets sold separately)
Electronic thermal management system optimises light output to preserve longevity of the LEDs
Anodised pre-treatment and automotive grade powder top-coat for ultimate corrosion and chemical protection
CAE optimised heatsink offers improved thermal dynamics
Over voltage protected
Reverse polarity protected
‘Unbreakable’ polycarbonate lens with hardcoat lacquer
UNECE approved Reg 10
IP68 watertight
5-year warranty
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Product Code
Triple-R 1000 - Select
Triple-R 1000 - Black +€395.00
Triple-R 1000 - White +€395.00
Wiring Kits - Select
Single-Lamp Wiring Kit (3-Pin, Superseal, 12V) +€40.00
Two-Lamp Wiring Kit (3-Pin, Superseal, 12V) +€52.00
CAN Interface - Select
Lazer CAN Interface (Dual-Output) +€160.00
CAN Contactless Reader - Select
Lazer CAN Contactless Reader +€110.00
Triple-R 1000In stockAdd to Cart€395.00Find a
StockistThe latest generation of the Triple-R range, delivers exceptional, long-range auxiliary LED automotive lighting. Initially developed for the uncompromising requirements of professional track and rally motorsport, the range has evolved to become a firm favourite across the passenger car, 4x4, light commercial, and heavy truck market, both on and off-road. Recent additions to the Triple-R range boast innovative features and functionality, including patent-pending technology never seen before in an auxiliary LED light bar.
Incorporating an arrangement of high efficiency, premium ‘bin’ LEDs at a carefully selected 5000K colour temperature, with 80CRI for high levels of sharpness and clarity, the Triple-R Elite products represent our most powerful driving lights. The electronics and optic design work in combination to deliver incredible distance illumination, yet still with enviable left/right spread. The comparatively low up/down spread of light emitted from the Elite lights ensures their suitability when roof mounting, avoiding reflective glare off the vehicle bonnet.
Standard level products feature integrated (optional) white and/or amber position light function for added styling and safety benefits. Alongside the premium design of the lights themselves, you can be sure your Triple-R product will impress even before the sun goes down! High efficiency 11W LEDs deliver impressive distance illumination albeit with not quite the same left/right visibility that you otherwise find with the equivalent Elite level products. A slightly taller up/down spread does however ensure suitability when mounting high on a vehicle such as a truck cab or roof of a van or other light commercial vehicle.
Available in a variety of sizes from the 230mm (9”) Triple-R 750 to the 1305mm (51”) Triple-R 28 Elite, all Triple-R products up to the 590mm (23”) Triple-R 1250, benefit for approval to UNECE Regulation 112 as a high beam driving light. In many cases certification is only achieved using dual-output E-Boost technology, allowing the lamp to be used in both E-Boost or E-Mark Compliant mode depending on country-specific regulations and whether the light(s) are being used on or off-road.
E-Mark (ECE Reference) | Yes (Ref 12.5) |
Juhtmestik komplektis | Ei |
Kõrgus | 7.3 |
Laius | 41 |
Lambi kaal | 1.7 |
Mount Type Included/Compatibility | 2x Centre Mount Kit (1114K) |
Sügavus | 10.5 |