
Kajalood LOWRANCE EAGLE Eye™ 9 Live

Tootekood: 000-16130-001
EAN: 9420064131549
Ühik: tk
Laoseis kaupluses: Kauplusest otsas, juhul kui saab lisada ostukorvi tellitakse tarnija laost
Tarneaeg: 1-7 tööpäeva tarnija laost
Hind: 1534,95 €
1458,20 €
Kogus: - +
   - või -   


Lowrance Eagle Eye™ 9 Live on soodsa hinnaga multifunktsionaalne sonarikomplekt, mis toob live-sonari kättesaadavamaks paljudele kalameestele. Eagle Eye komplekt sisaldab 9-tollist IPS-ekraani, mille resolutsioon on 1024x600 pikslit, pakkudes teravat ja selget pilti, mis ületab isegi Lowrance Elite 9 FS-i. Kompaktne ja vastupidav ekraan näitab kalade reaktsioone landi suhtes reaalajas ning sobib ideaalselt nii paadi kui ka talipüügiks.

Miks valida Lowrance Eagle Eye 9 Live?
  • Täpne live-sonar: Näete reaalajas, kuidas kalad landile reageerivad, mis lihtsustab täpse heite tegemist.
  • FishReveal™ funktsioon: Eraldab kalad taustast, et neid oleks kergem tuvastada.
  • IPS-ekraan: Tagab selge ja ereda pildi ka otsese päikesevalguse käes, isegi polariseeritud päikeseprille kandes.
  • Automaatne häälestus: Sonar kohandub automaatselt muutuvate tingimustega, nii et saate keskenduda püüdmisele.
  • Genesis Live kaardistamine: Looge reaalajas sügavuskaarte oma lemmikvetest ja salvestage need C-MAP kaardile või tühjale mälukaardile.
  • Usaldusväärne ühendussüsteem: Keermestatud lukustusega ühendused tagavad vastupidava paigalduse ka karmides tingimustes.
Eagle Eye on varustatud uue Eagle Eye Live anduriga, mis annab täpse ülevaate veealusest maailmast ja võimaldab kaladel kergemini reageerida. Lisaks live-sonarile pakub see ka CHIRP ja DownScan Imaging funktsioone, mis täiustavad teie kalapüügikogemust. See andur on spetsiaalselt mõeldud Eagle Eye ekraaniga kasutamiseks ning ei ühildu teiste Splitshot või Tripleshot anduritega.

Toote omadused ja eelised:
  • Eredalt valgustatud 9-tolline IPS-ekraan, resolutsiooniga 1024 x 600 ja heledusega 1000 NITS
  • FishReveal™ vaade lihtsamaks kalade tuvastamiseks
  • Reaalajas Genesis Live kaardistamine C-MAP kaardil või tühjal mälukaardil
  • Lowrance Eagle Eye andur CHIRP, DownScan ja live-sonaritehnoloogiaga
  • Täisautomaatne sonari kohandamine parima pildi saamiseks
  • Kasutajasõbralikud menüüd ja optimeeritud klahvistik
  • Kaardivõimalused: C-MAP, C-MAP Genesis, Navionics
  • Kuni 3000 teetähist, 100 rada ja 100 trajektoori salvestusmaht
  • IPX7 veekindluse reiting, kaardilugeja kaane sulgemisel
  • Kompaktsed mõõtmed ja kaal – ideaalne igasugusteks veealasteks tegevusteks
Pakend sisaldab:
  • Lowrance Eagle 9-tolline komboseade
  • Eagle Eye CHIRP/DS/live andur
  • Kinnitusalus
  • Toitekaabel ja kaitse
  • Ingliskeelne kasutusjuhend (teistes keeltes juhendid allalaaditavad aadressil
Lowrance Eagle Eye 9 Live on suurepärane kaaslane igale kalamehele, kes soovib viia oma kalapüügikogemuse uuele tasemele. Tänu oma tugevale ehitusele ja täiustatud tehnoloogiatele tagab see usaldusväärse ja detailirohke veealuse vaate.

Keeled: Inglise (Ühendkuningriik ja USA), rootsi, soome, afrikaani, taani, saksa, hispaania, prantsuse, kreeka, islandi, itaalia, hollandi, norra, portugali (Brasiilia ja Portugal)

Are you ready to take your fishing to the next level? The Lowrance Eagle Eye 9 Live is precisely the multifunctional device that will transform your fishing experience. This incredibly user-friendly device, equipped with a 9-inch IPS display, combines a high-resolution live sonar, CHIRP sonar, and DownScan Imaging to give you unparalleled clarity of the underwater world.

Why choose the Eagle Eye 9 Live?
• Accurate live sonar: See how fish react to your lures in real-time and plan your next cast perfectly.
• FishReveal™ feature: Separates fish from the background, making them easy to identify.
• IPS display: Provides a clear and bright image in all conditions – even in sunlight with polarized sunglasses.
• Easy-to-use automatic tuning: Automatically optimizes sonar settings so you can focus more on fishing.
• Genesis Live mapping: Create real-time depth maps of your favorite waters and discover new fishing spots directly on the screen.
• Reliable connection system: Threaded-lock connectors ensure a secure and durable installation, even in tough conditions.

The Lowrance Eagle Eye is a multifunctional device designed for fishing and boating that is easy to use thanks to its powerful performance, versatile sonar technologies, and precise and bright IPS display. In addition to the automatically adjusting sonar and Eagle Eye Live technology, the Eagle series also includes the FishReveal feature, which makes it easier to spot fish by combining the advantages of Lowrance CHIRP sonar and DownScan Imaging on a single screen. The Eagle Eye uses a brand-new Eagle Eye Live transducer that provides an extremely sharp image of the underwater environment on the screen. The Eagle series also includes real-time mapping with Genesis Live, allowing you to map your best fishing spots and unknown waters in real-time. You can scan and save your own map directly onto a C-MAP card or onto a blank memory card.

The Lowrance Eagle is a very user-friendly and versatile sonar/chartplotter for fishing and all kinds of water activities. The Eagle's IPS display offers a very bright and easy-to-read image in all conditions, even in direct sunlight. Thanks to the new IPS screen, the image remains clear even when wearing polarized sunglasses. The Eagle provides you with the information you need to make your boating safe and enjoyable. You can easily monitor the map, sonar, depth reading, position data, battery voltage, and other critical information from the same screen, giving you a quick overview of the situation.

Thanks to the Eagle's fully automatic sonar adjustment, you can now focus even more on fishing, boat handling, and spend less time making adjustments. The device automatically adjusts settings for changing conditions, always ensuring the best possible sonar image. With the new threaded locking system, cables are securely held in place even in varying weather conditions, making the installation of the Eagle easy and quick.

• Bright 9-inch IPS display
• Smart FishReveal view
• Real-time Genesis Live mapping on C-MAP map or blank memory card
• Lowrance Eagle EYE transducer, including Chirp, Downscan, and Live technologies
• New sonar image color palettes
• Fully automatic adjustable sonar
• Easy-to-use menus
• Optimized keyboard and one-touch access to key functions
• Map options: C-MAP, C-MAP Genesis, or Navionics
• MicroSD card slot (32Gb max)
• Preloaded worldwide base map
• Storage: 3000 waypoints, 100 routes & 100 trails
• Easy quick-release mount and option for flush mounting
• Waterproof rating IPX7, card reader cover closed
• 9" Screen resolution 1024 x 600, brightness 1000 NITS
• Operating temperature range -15°C to +55°C
• Storage temperature range -20°C to +60°C
• Operating voltage 12v DC (10.8-17VDC)
• Fuse size 5A
• Typical power consumption for 9" device 0.64A
• Device dimensions L 270.7 H 162.5 D 90 mm
• Weight 900 g

Language options: English (UK & US), Swedish, Finnish, Afrikaans, Danish, German, Spanish, French, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazil & Portugal)

Package includes:
• Lowrance Eagle 9" combo unit
• Eagle EYE Chirp/DS/live transducer
• Mounting bracket
• Power cable and fuse
• English manual (manuals in other languages can be downloaded at
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